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ambiente n1Environmental Policy

Curtidora Itaúna Ltda defined in its Environmental Policy, the environmental guidelines that guide its way of operating in all of its activities:


"To provide products and services to the market, by always searching for a social environmental integration in the processes, through procedures that ensure sustainability,
involving employees, customers and suppliers for a more efficient use of the available resources."


Restricted Substances

Curtidora Itaúna Ltda, through periodic survey with clients, developed and maintains a Restricted Substance List which sets maximum levels for: Chromium VI, heavy metals, PCP, TECP & TCP, Azoic dyes, Dimethyl Fumarate (DMFU), Total Lead and others. The company regularly reviews its leathers in selected internationally aknowledged laboratory and thus testifying the service levels established for restricted substances.


As part of the purchasing policy, the choice of suppliers and chemicals used by Curtidora Itaúna Ltda takes into account the control of restricted substances by requiring attestation / supplier's declaration regarding the same.



Curtidora Itaúna Ltda has systematic traceability of its leathers through a procedure that establishes all requirements (marking the leather with a specific code, documentation of the source, monitoring the production records in the computerized system, lot identification controls ... ). All these procedures make it possible to trace the origin of each company produced leather.


If you have any doubt, compliment or complaint concerning to the Environmental procedures of Curtidora Itaúna Ltda, please register it here.